
The Real Virus

   For the Audio Version on YouTube, click here -  The Real Virus For the Audio Version on Spotify, click here -  The Real Virus One of the most widely-used words perhaps since Jan 2020 would be the word,  'Virus,'  (in various languages of course). We’ve had to contend with this virus since then, and we still continue to do so. It’s also one of the main causes for fear, anxiety, grief, loss and so much more. It seems like it’s the most real, though unseen threat to human life at present. Little wonder it's the one thing that's on most people's minds, most of the time, and the thing we strive to protect ourselves against. This virus has its own make up, causes certain infections, is evident by certain symptoms, has distinctive effects on human health, and has proven fatal to hundreds of thousands of people in almost every country across the globe.   While we need to maintain caution, and do all we can to stay safe, and keep others safe as well, th...

Stand Strong

"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong." I Corinthians 16:13 NKJV The weaker you are on your legs the more you are prone to fall; and the more you fall, the less confident you are to walk. The stronger you are on your legs, the less you are prone to fall; and the less you fall, the more confident you are to walk.  The same is also true of our walk with the Lord. The weaker we are in our stand for the Lord and His Word, the more we are prone to fall into sin (things we do and don't do); and the more we fall into sin, the less confident we are in our walk with the Lord. On the contrary, the stronger we are in the Lord and in His Word, the less we are are prone to fall; and the less we fall, the more confident we are in our walk with the Lord. The prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah 35:3,4 -  "Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted. "Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God wi...

When Life Hits The Pause Button

Have you noticed how, when we're preparing to go somewhere, we find ourselves taking all the effort to be in time for the cab, bus, train, plane etc, so we can get to where we're going. But all the rush lasts only until we get into the mode of transportation that takes us to our destination. Then we settle down for the ride, satisfied that we made it in time. Notice, how though we haven't reached our destination yet, we settle down and take it easy, enjoying the journey to our destination, knowing that there's nothing more we can do to hasten our getting to where we're going - it all lies with the driver or pilot to get us there.  When I ponder on this, I realise that the same is true in life in general too. There are certain stages in our lives, when we're in a rush to accomplish things in life, meet goals etc. and then, suddenly (or graduallly), things can change. For any of the following reasons (illness, old age, sudden tragedy, loss of a loved one, ...

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead "If you aim at nothing, you' will hit it every time." Zig Ziglar While riding or driving.we look ahead at varying distances, depending on the speed with which we travel. While riding a bicycle, we look ahead a few metres, while riding a motorbike/scooter, we look ahead a few more metres, and while driving a car. we need to look a lot further ahead. The reason for the varying distances we look ahead, is that obstacles come to us at varying speeds, depending on the speed we're traveling at. The same is true in life as well - depending on the task at hand or the vision we have in mind, we look ahead at varying distances. For example, when it comes to cooking, for example, we plan for day-to-day cooking differently than we would if we were planning for a month. The the budgets vary, the quantities of purchases vary, the storage varies etc. The same is true of Education, Career, Developing Skills, Marriage, Parenting, Preparing for Etern...

Protect Yourself

In India, traffic moves on the left side of the road (at least that's the rule), so it's best that pedestrians walk on the right side of the road, so they can see oncoming traffic and are not constantly having to look over their shoulder to see what's coming from behind. Furthermore, following on from yesterday's thought on 'Reckless Riders,' they would be more easily avoidable if they came from ahead of us than if they came from behind. The same is true of life as well - we can more easily protect ourselves from abusive people if we're on our guard, than if we put ourselves in vulnerable situations. We were not meant to be hurt or abused and the least we can do is protect ourselves. While it may not be possible to completely avoid such people in our lives, we can do our best to minimise the effects they have on us. As Martin Luther said, "You cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair....

Reckless Riders

In our part of the world, in India, this may not be the norm, but one can find kids who would dare to ride bicycles without brakes just for the thrill of it. What is a lot more common, and more dangerous though, is motorcyclists with poorly maintained brakes. Little wonder, it's only a matter of time before they meet with an accident, injuring both themselves and others in the process.  While the above pertains to road safety there's an even more dangerous, yet very prevalent trend in our world today - it's when one chooses to live life recklessly, with no 'brakes' on one's desires, thoughts, words and actions, resulting in consequences that affect both them and others in the bargain. There've been times when I've been reckless, hurting both myself and others in the process, and over time came to realise that this wasn't just detrimental, but was defeating the very purpose of my life. Let's do a self-check and ensure that o...