The Real Virus

For the Audio Version on YouTube, click here - The Real Virus For the Audio Version on Spotify, click here - The Real Virus One of the most widely-used words perhaps since Jan 2020 would be the word, 'Virus,' (in various languages of course). We’ve had to contend with this virus since then, and we still continue to do so. It’s also one of the main causes for fear, anxiety, grief, loss and so much more. It seems like it’s the most real, though unseen threat to human life at present. Little wonder it's the one thing that's on most people's minds, most of the time, and the thing we strive to protect ourselves against. This virus has its own make up, causes certain infections, is evident by certain symptoms, has distinctive effects on human health, and has proven fatal to hundreds of thousands of people in almost every country across the globe. While we need to maintain caution, and do all we can to stay safe, and keep others safe as well, th...